our mission

We hope to inspire others to follow their dreams and help the world by bringing happiness to all creators. Creators we are all in my vision. To create visionary and legendary art which will outlast us all. With our work we hope to ignite the passion in You.

Working with our beautiful handcrafted tools is a joy to the soul. We aspire to do our very best every project we undertake. Quality, Beauty and Longevity are values we hold extremely high.

Dream of my Life

One of my projects was a Survival Knife forged from the spring of an old truck, made for my brother. My dream is to make a High Quality Custom Knife for all members of my Family.

My Father, Mother and Brother have received their knife, all who remains is my last Brother.


“The will to create is within all of us, I do this with my bare hands and metal.”
— Lucas Koen Min

The Beginning

Lucas Min is an 19 year old man from Noord-Holland in the Netherlands. Since a young age he has created things from metal. Forging started out in the backyard with a good friend, hitting cold metal with hammers. Soon after, a hole was dug in the ground. There a campfire was fed extra air with a pump for mattresses. With this beginner forge the first knife was created. My passion has lit up brightly since that first Success. See this knife in Projects. To this day we work on projects, knives and other creation, His name is Pim Visser. Often knives are a collaboration between us.